The dairy is taking forever. I remember telling Ken M in December that it would definately be finished by Easter. hahahahahahahahahaha! As Douglas Adams said, "I love deadlines, I love the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by". My latest is Em's birthday in early December, exactly a year since we arrived. Things have been going slow seeing as though we've taken some time out to build Angela & Ken's new shed. It’s mostly finished now, with only a couple of big doors to make. Rob will start on them this week.

I’ve been spending a lot of time in the last few week restoring old windows and making new ones from scratch. You know you’re getting old when your idea of a great day involves pausing on the way to the shed to smell the orange blossom, listening to Gillian Welch and making windows. I’m turning things like this 3m long oregon beam:

into straight and true windows and doors for the dairy that are strong and fit together perfectly. It all happens out here in the outdoor workshop:

And then inside to finish them off:

Made with cool joints like these:

Hopefully this week the weatherboard that is 2 weeks overdue will arrive so we can finish the cladding. My deadline for finishing everything external (lock-up I guess), is the end of September. So just over a week to finish the cladding, fill and paint, architraves, install the hot water system, and finish the French doors. Since we’ve been delayed we’ve been able to hang the internal doors, so there’s less to do for next month in case we do go over. This is how things look at the back (note the lack of cladding on the wall on the right):

Every now and then I do get some time to help Em in the garden. The last time I finished off the new duck house when Angela, Ken and Sophie came up from Canberra and brought their 2 ducks - Ferdinand and Marmalade. They’re here to stay now (the ducks) and they’re very cute and Leunig, waddling and quacking around the garden.

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