Noah woke early this morning and helped me with my morning chores. The biting cold made our hands hurt, the only refuge deep in our pockets. Afterwards we took the ladder and went down to the bush lemon tree to pick lemons for Nana to make cordial with. Unfortunately we were too late, there wasn’t many left and most of what was there had been munched on by the possums. It is why we are going to build a big, enclosed orchard soon. Our persimmon had hundreds of fruit on it before the flying fox ate all but four. Slowly but surely.

Nonetheless we set our ladder up in the mist and picked what we could. There was so few that I decided to try the tree down by the river. Noah gave up and went to wake Nana. Warm his hands. He crawls into bed with her each morning and they have a cuddle. The river was beautiful, deep and clear with a tinge of smoky blue. I’ve seen platypus burrows on the banks but I haven’t seen a platypus yet. I’d have to sneak up early and wait quietly. One day.

After work Noah and I went to the local hall for Happy Hour. Once a month we get together for drinks and a barbeque with the people in the valley. The kids love it, running around, the occasional adult coming into focus and blah blahing for a while before they take off again. Creating mischief and memories. I enjoyed it too – adding layers to freshly made friends. It’s interesting because I have been so resistant to getting involved in the community since we moved here eighteen months ago. My suspicion is that I had had enough community after being involved in our housing co-op for 10 years, combined with the all-consuming focus of building the dairy. I’m starting to relax now and I’m really enjoying looking around to see what is here. There's lots of treasure to be found.
“I’m grateful that we went to Happy Hour and had a lovely day weeding.”
(Confused? Look)
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