As Ryan said yesterday I am pretty exited about something, namely the making of butter. For a while now I have been getting milk from our local organic dairy, skimming the cream off the top and making butter. Now I am getting ready to upscale. The owner of the dairy is willing to give me milk for free if I can provide butter for them and us. They have a big old hand cranked milk separator that they found at an antique sale, which will have to be cleaned up but I think it should work fine. It separates using centrifugal force and apparently goes like the clappers once you get it whirring. And now I am looking around for a churn. I'm thinking electric, 8 litres and like everything round here not too expensive. Our friend Pete is dreaming up a bicycle powered device with multiple attachment options that I really like the sound of but until then I think we need something more conventional. Not that there is really anything conventional in the home butter churn, not many people doing it. But I will be producing the best butter in the world. It will also be good to be more involved with the dairy and maybe even learn a thing or two about cows, milking etc, for when our girls come on line. I am looking forward to experimenting and perfecting the art of butter making. Hopefully it will become one of my special skills I can offer up to our community of like minded, food producing friends that for the time being I refer to as PLAGGA Produce.
Next step cheese.
Tonight I was grateful that I was eating Brian's beautiful, grass fed, local, beef. Very tender and delicious, cooked rare and full of nutrients. Best meat I've had over here.

Noah was grateful that
"we dug some holes for those poles"
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