I think Zombie Chick knows we’re going to eat him. Last night as he slept unsuspectingly we snuck up on him, grabbing him off the perch, squawking and protesting. Now he’s in a chook tractor in solitary confinement, but not without perks - he has got lots of food. He's had one successful escape so far which led me to suspect he knows his fate. The chook tractor he’s in is one we’ve borrowed from our friends as ours already has two broody chooks in it, both sitting on clutches of eggs. This is the first time any of the chooks other than Gladys have gone broody so it’s quite exciting.

Work was rained out today so I’m looking after Noah, doing my fatherly duties – finding spiders, making mechanical dinosaurs and introducing him to the Ramones. The hot humid weather here has broken and now it’s just raining. We’ve all had a turn being sick in the last week or so and we’ve all been working hard, clearing debts and dreaming of mountains of things, well….perhaps some new gumboots. And a singing trip to Holland.
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