Another beautiful day. Overcast. Misty rain. We spent the day cleaning the house, getting ready for guests. Vacuuming the rug, emptying the toilet, cleaning the bins.

I’m trying to establish a routine with the cows, getting them used to being around people. Calling them, feeding them. Trying to trade skittishness for chin scratches. Noah called them up from the bottom of the paddock to get a thin handful of grass. “Bessie! Violet! Grass! Grass!” I think they like the attention. Maybe they’re hungry.

Today I used up all the cream I have been saving and made butter, my first time. Alchemy, turning base elements into gold. Em usually does it. I wasn’t sure if I had churned it for long enough but Noah looked at it and assured me it was right. I expected the colour to be a deeper yellow.

We cleaned the back area, unearthing the laundry, banishing tools. There’s an old corn shed here that I’m going to use to store my tools. I still dream of turning it into a workshop but there’s no power and the floor is being eaten away by termites. Someday we will rip the floor up, get rid of the termites and restore the whole structure. It’s made with beautiful hand-adzed timbers and deserves to be preserved.

“I’m grateful that Granny and Grandad stayed for dinner.”
(Confused? Look)
1 comment:
Good work with the butter, chaps.
Love mum
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