Friday, September 30, 2011

Mighty Thor

The Norse gods decide to have a big party, no expense spared – wine, food, maidens – the lot. After three days it finally comes to an end after much drunkenness and even more debauchery. The God of Thunder, Thor, awakes to find himself lying next to a beautiful young maiden, with absolutely no recollection as to what has happened, although he has a fairly good idea. He decides that a formal introduction is in order so he leans over and says grandly “I am mighty Thor”, to which she replies “You’re thore? I can’t even pith!” As a dad I have a right, actually a duty to tell bad jokes and I tell this one because tonight I too am mighty Thor.

I started the day with Em in the garden, mounding potatoes and planning where to plant our summer veggies. We’re convinced the frosts have finally finished and we probably could have started sooner but you know how it is. Em then spent the rest of the day being very impressive – lots of planting, mulching and carting compost. My favourite bit was when I looked over and saw her pushing the wheelbarrow through the horse paddock, loaded up with horse poo. What a woman.

I spent the day with Rob lifting seventeen poles into their holes, with a little help from Emma and more help from our neighbour Steve and his tractor. Lots of digging and tamping and some very heavy lifting, broken up by a delicious morning tea of baklava muffins that Em had made the other day – cinnamon and sugar and walnuts, mmmmm. Did I mention I love my wife?

“I’m grateful that Morrow came over for a sleepover and we got a dozen poles up.”
(Confused? Look)

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