Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I’m working a fair bit at the moment. Still paving, in Port Macquarie. Earning money to send to Em. It’s a long drive there and back, nearly an hour each way. It’s one disadvantage of where we live. I remember the first time we drove out here, thinking how the road just went on and on, the same thought in my head “It’s a long way out”. There is a flip side to it though. We’re amongst beautiful bush and wildlife, pockets of rainforest, clean water. Space.

Yesterday Noah’s friend Nina was going to come over with her dad and pick up their chickens we had been looking after. He went and sat outside to wait for them, disappointed to find out later that they had changed their mind and didn’t come. So today she came and spent the day with him. Mum had a big day, looking after the two kids, a few visitors, making lemon curd, getting dinner ready. When I walked in the door she had that frazzled look that I know well. It made me think that I was probably responsible for her having that look in the past.

The work is good, except for when I miss the bolster and hit my hands. My finger and thumb on my left hand aches. Lunch makes up for it though. Bev always puts on a good spread. Yummy bread, brie, avocado, tapenade. I’m spoilt. And a crossword to do together over lunch. It was another beautiful drive home this evening into the setting sun and the distant hills, nursing a pear cider and listening to Gillian Welch.

“I’m grateful that everyone comed over for a little play”
(Confused? Look)

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