Sunday, July 31, 2011

Giant strangler

A slow day today after an energetic late night last night. Our property backs onto the Mount Boss State Forest, which in turn backs onto a number of adjacent National Parks including Werrikimbe, Willi Willi and Oxley Wild Rivers. Today, as the second part of Sue’s birthday celebrations, we had planned a picnic lunch in this beautiful country at the waterfall at Wilson River Primitive Reserve. Before we left I snuck in a quick hour working on a gate for a friend.

The falls are one of the closest picnic sites to us, just a bit further up the valley. The road to the falls runs high on the ridge, daylight showing through the trees and bangalow palms on both sides, deep valleys, mountain ridges in the distance. Even though it was a Sunday and a sunny day we had the place to ourselves, with just the sound of the water and the birds breaking the silence. Bev loaded us up with leftover food as we left the party the night before so we had dips, salads, kebabs and birthday cake.

After lunch we walked to the falls past giant strangler figs, shelf fungi, mossy logs and lots of ferns. For some reason I was really taken by the colour of the rocks in the creek we followed up to the waterfall, aged basalt in a kind of browny orange, more vibrant for being under the water and complementing the green of the forest beautifully.

Noah and I fell asleep in the car on the way home. Over dinner he told Nana and I, “When my mum comes home I’ll race to her". I miss her too.

“I’m grateful that we went to the waterfall and had a nice walk.”
(Confused? Look)

1 comment:

Emma said...

I miss you guys too! Home soon.