Monday, July 25, 2011

Melody soaring

Today was Noah’s first day back at preschool. It was a bit of a rush getting ready, with Noah dragging his feet, trying to take photos of himself. He was supposed to start last week but his cousins were here visiting. I’d spent a bit of time psyching him up for the transition into the big kids room, explaining he’d a have a different teacher, that there would be different kids and he’d make new friends. He was unfazed by it all. Then we got there and they told us he was in the same class as last term. My mind instantly went into overdrive, thinking about how I could handle his disappointment, what angle to push. But it was totally unnecessary. He was just so accepting.

He does have that quality about him. There are times he freaks out but generally he goes with the flow. Em’s in the US for a month and he’s OK with it. Nana looks after him when I go off to work and he doesn’t blink an eyelid. The other day I did get two big, spontaneous hugs though that made me wonder. One was after I came back from my early morning ride, having not been here when he woke up. The other was after I had been at work all day. The kind of hug where he hangs on very tight and for a long time. Good hugs.

Today I was paving again, chipping mortar off of old bricks. Compacting and levelling. We had to find a new home for a blue tongue lizard after we destroyed the concrete it was living under. I left work early to pick up Noah and get home in time so I could go to choir. It was my first time. I’ve been meaning to join a choir for about twenty years so it was good to get around to it. The choir is called Bella Bago and is run by a local woman who lives nearby. I’m going for the spine tingling. Harmonies intermingling and melody soaring over the top. I wasn’t disappointed. I keep thinking of songs that could be adapted for a choir, making arrangements in my head. Not the usual fare but more contemporary songs. Fleet foxes. Mumford and Sons. We did a Leonard Cohen song which was fun. I ended up with the basses, probably because that’s where all the other guys were, but I may be a tenor.

I missed dinner so I didn’t get what Noah was grateful for today. He uses the word “lovely” in a lot of his. And his grammar is usually a little bit off. So I expect it would have been something like “I’m grateful that Nina comed over and we had a lovely day”. I’m grateful that I got to sing in the choir.
(Confused? Look)

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